Year: 2016 | Month: March | Volume 5 | Issue 1

Classroom assessment in secondary schools in Nigeria

DOI:Coming soon...


A purpose of secondary (High School) education in Nigeria is to prepare students for tertiary level education though not everybody that graduates from this level of education actually proceeds. Continuous Assessment is the educational policy in which students are examined continuously over most of the duration of their education, the results of which are taken into account after leaving school. It is often proposed or used as an alternative to a final examination system. It can also be looked at from micro and macro levels. At the macro level assessment is designed to collect information for purposes of certification and very often school assessments are integrated into results obtained for deciding on quality of performance in the examinations conducted by the examination boards external to the school. At the micro level assessments are conducted at the school level and these have been variously described as continuous assessments and school-based assessments. These assessments are used for determining progression from one class to another. The methodology employed in this study was derived from books, journals, archives, newspapers, reports, and the internet. This paper would attempt to show how well this has been done by highlighting the implementation mode, advantages of continuous assessment, problems, lessons learned and future directions in classroom assessments.

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