Year: 2016 | Month: March | Volume 5 | Issue 1

A Study on level of satisfaction among beneficiaries under Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram (JSSK) at regional hospital Nahan (H.P.)

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JSSK is a Central Government Sponsored Karyakaram implemented in Himachal Pradesh. It has been started to provide better health services to pregnant mothers and children up to one year of age, to reduce maternal and infant mortality rate. However, it has been observed that about one-third of beneficiaries were not aware about this Karyakaram. In public health institutions (Hospitals) buildings were quite old; require repair of ante natal, postpartum and children wards including toilets. It has been found that the satisfaction level is better in relation to supporting services of the hospital specifically with the availability of transport i.e. National Ambulance Services (108), especially among the attendants of infants. However, there is enough scope to improve services, like housekeeping, drinking water, waiting and resting area for the attendants.

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