Year: 2017 | Month: March | Volume 6 | Issue 1
Economic Valuation and Causes of Degradation of Pong Dam Wetland of Himachal Pradesh
Wetlands are the most productive ecosystem on the earth. The Pong Dam wetland is one of the largest man-made wetland in Himachal Pradesh. The local people adjoining the Pong wetland also exploit the wetland for crops production, fishing and as such provide a significant role in their household system. Keeping this in view, the present study has been planned. The two-stage sampling design was employed for the selection of the sample. The sample consists of 80 households. The collected data were analysed by using suitable analytical tools. The literacy rate of the family members of sampled farms was quite high i.e. around 79.40 per cent. The average size of holding was found to be higher among agricultural farmers (0.5 ha) as compared to fishermen (0.07 ha). The sampled farms maintain a livestock unit of 3.83 (SAU). The total income of sample farms was ` 2,54,575. On an average 2.11, 1.36, 1.20 numbers of cattle per day per farm were grazed during summer, winter and rainy seasons respectively in owned land followed by 1.72 in summer and 1.48 in winter seasons in wetlands. The time spent for grazing of animals on the wetland was noted 2.95 hours per day per farm. The total quantity of grasses consumed by animals per farm during grazing was 1038.69 kg from the wetland, 749.06 kg from CPR lands and 972.77 kg from own land. The estimated income contribution to the sample households from wetland was ` 94,213. It was accounted for 59.65 percent of the total farm income. The sample households were willing to pay for different economic activities and management of wetland. The higher proportions of sample household were willing to pay ` 100-150 for these activities. The coefficient of multiple determination in the case of willingness to pay indicated that 74 percent of variation explained by the chosen explanatory variables. The variables like net sown area, household income, the share of income from wetland to the total income and awareness about benefits from wetland were the factors influencing significantly to the willingness to pay. The result of Hedonic regression model revealed net sown area, the share of income from the wetland, education level and awareness of benefits about wetland were significantly affecting the wetland income. It was suggested that to reduce the dependence on wetland for crop cultivation and pressure of chemicals farmers should be provided irrigation facility to grow cash crops on owned lands. Since the fishing business is adopted by the large population, therefore, the royalty and commission charged from the fishermen should be reduced and facility of the mechanised boat at subsidised rate should be provided to fishermen to enhance their efficiency and income of fishermen.
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