Year: 2017 | Month: March | Volume 6 | Issue 1

Value Orientation in Higher Education: Problems and Prospects from Sustainable Development Perspectives

DOI:Coming soon...


The field of value education is as broad as human life itself. In India during Ramayana or Mahabharata period values were taught to the child along with formal education in Gurukuls, where Guru or Priest teaches the students at their Ashrams through different methods and prepares them to face the life. In modern days Gurukuls were replaced by the formal schools and colleges which are providing the formal education. Not only schools and colleges but family, society, mass media and other means of communications also affects the learning of child and act as an instrument for incorporating essential values in child. Values can be transferred in students through hidden or unplanned method but curriculum plays an important role for providing value based education. In view of the above, an attempt has been made in this paper to find out appropriate methods and approaches for value orientation in higher education through Value Based Education (VBE). Accordingly, it has been also tried to study the role of teachers in promoting VBE to the students for sustainable development. It has been observed that providing value based education to our children in higher educational institutions can help us to overcome the problem of deteriorating moral values in our youth. Collaborative efforts of parents, teachers, society and media can bring the youth on right track to live a disciplined life. So far as social progress is concerned value-based education is an unavoidable reality.

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