Year: 2017 | Month: March | Volume 6 | Issue 1
Cock Fight: A Symbolic View of Social Status
Cockfighting is an ancient sport that has deep roots in rural parts of the world as well as India and West Bengal. The bloody and dangerous sports of cockfighting as practised by the Santals people of Foringdanga, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India. Most of the fights were held in an inn that was specially prepared or in a cockpit. The Cock-fighters selects two types of fighting cock—one is called Desi Morog and another variety is called Pahari Morog. Only Santal males are participation in this game. Sometimes santal male child also participating with their fighting cock but Santal female cannot participate in this bloody game. It also has great symbolic significance to its practitioners and aficionados as an affirmation of high-status identity in an increasingly complex and diverse Santal society.
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