Year: 2013 | Month: December | Volume 2 | Issue 2
Tribal Rights and Protective Legislations in Odisha - An Overview
Abstract: <div>One of the most marginalized communities in India vulnerable to poverty and</div><div>exploitation are the Adivasis. Despite provisions in the Constitution and enactment of several laws by the central as well as by the state governments to protect their rights and interests the Adivasis continue to remain at the bottom of the development index, suffer exploitation and deprivation in various ways. Even after six decades of developmental planning high incidence of poverty still found among the Scheduled Tribes. In the state of Odisha which contains a sizeable tribal population around 73 per cent of Scheduled Tribes were estimated to be under below poverty line in 1999-2000. In rural areas of the country they continue to face multiple disadvantages and lack access to land, education, institutional credit and markets etc. In fact since independence the main objective of the policy & planning in India with regard to the development of tribals and other backward communities has been to uplift the communities especially from oppression and backwardness in order to bring them to the mainstream of national life. The inroad of ‘alien’ outsiders in the tribal tracts, their stranglehold over the resources like land and forests in collaboration with the government and the loopholes in the laws enacted for the protection of their rights and the lack of awareness among the tribals regarding such provisions have contributed to the present plight of the</div><div>tribals in Odisha especially in making them impoverished and deprived.</div>
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