Year: 2013 | Month: December | Volume 2 | Issue 2

Indian Power Sector- A Review

DOI:Coming soon...

Abstract: <div>Indian economy has been growing at a rate of 6-8 % annually during the last eight years which requires growth of basic infrastructural facilities at a still higher rate. Power sector being a major component of infrastructure development requires a growth rate of 9-10% during the next decade. This requires huge amount of investments and restructuring of power sector, for which Government cannot fund the entire amount independently. Hence, private participation is necessary either as an independent venture or through public-private partnership (PPP). This paper attempts to review the Indian power sector with respect to generation, transmission and distribution of electricity and identify and highlight the key initiatives and reforms undertaken for private participation in the electricity sector and some issues that are being grappled with in effort to make the sector efficient and attractive for investments.</div>

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