Year: 2018 | Month: September | Volume 7 | Issue 3
Life of Tribal Women in Kerala: Identity Psychosocial Disability and Social Exclusion
We examined identity induced psychosocial disability and social exclusion among 601 tribal women, recruited using multi-stage cluster sampling. The standardized were used to measure the variables of interest. The result showed that tribal identity, stigma, discrimination, social integration, conflicts in social relations, self-esteem and quality of social life have significantly differed between married and unwed mothers. Identity, stigma, discrimination, social integration, conflicts in social relations, self-esteem and quality of social life were significantly varied across different marital groups such as married, unwed mothers and widows. The study concludes that tribal communities exert and maintain control over unwed mothers through stigmatization and discrimination for social system maintenance. The tribal groups were collectively ill represented and they experienced significant level of psychosocial disability.
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