Year: 2018 | Month: December | Volume 7 | Issue 4

Partners and Priorities for Bangladesh: Development Aid Effectiveness

DOI:Coming soon...


From 1980s onward donors are increasingly focusing on sector based programmes and development assistances with interest-bearing loans to concession-based finance as well as conditional aid to unconditional grants. Recent trends under different aid modalities support that the priority sectors for Bangladesh are education, health, agriculture, rural and urban development, infrastructure and energy, environment and climate change adaptation, gender and development, and good governance through public sector reform initiatives including the macro-economic reform efforts. Presently both the aid modalities and sector based programme outcomes are central to the debate on aid effectiveness in Bangladesh. Considering the above mentioned aspects, the current round of studies on aid effectiveness is focusing on the overall effectiveness of the development assistance in Bangladesh following the qualitative focused synthesis method. This research article has tailored a historical retrospective analysis of the development assistance in Bangladesh, followed by a subjective assessment of donors, critical analysis of civil society of the recipient country and the balancing analysis of the recipient government on the aid effectiveness.

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