Year: 2019 | Month: December | Volume 8 | Issue 4
The Importance and Essentiality of Counselling for Police Officers: A Systematic Review
This study aimed to review previous articles that related to coping strategies utilized by police officers when encountering their job stress. In this paper, it is argued that the counselling could provide rich insights into the understanding of employee and employer relations within the police and the stress and wellbeing of officers. Police officers often experienced stress when executing their job. Stress and trauma experienced by police officers in the line of duty can have negative impacts on officers’ health and wellbeing. Psychological support and counselling is imperative to help officers maintain psychological well-being and to perform their duties more efficiently.
The author concluded that police departments should consider requiring mandatory and periodic counselling for all officers, a procedural tactic that camouflages counselling need while concurrently treating the source of officer stress. The suggestions for future study research of importance and essentiality of counselling in policing also discussed.
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