Year: 2020 | Month: June | Volume 9 | Issue 2

Impact of Micro Finance on Household Expenditure Pattern of Rural Women Borrowers: An Empirical Analysis

Vikas Batra Pooja Yadav Ashish Kumar


The present study elaborates the performance of SHG-Bank linkage programme of NABARD in Rajasthan. It mainly discusses the impact of SHGs on education, food and health expenditure by households. The study found that SHGs have helped the members to meet out household expenditure on food, health and education. The expenditure pattern shows that majority of households have contributed to the expenditure from the income earned after becoming the member of group. The qualitative analysis with the help of two case studies of rural women further validates the quantitative analysis and claimed that because of the involvement in self help groups, the income and expenditure level increased along with standard of living. The study suggests that sustained efforts should be continued to promote various livelihood generation activities so that the household may increase their income and put more household expenditure on food, health and education. Apart from this, the members should be provided proper orientation to utilise the money in most efficient manner.

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