Year: 2014 | Month: June | Volume 3 | Issue 2
Study on Utility and Revival through Community approach in Sundarbans Mangrove
Mangroves are salt tolerant group of tropical plants that generally grows in the inter-tidal zones of land and sea. The Sundarbans is the world’s largest mangrove forest covering Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta of India and Bangladesh. It protects the coastline of Bangladesh, and West Bengal of India from different environmental catastrophes and act as means of livelihood for numbers of people
of both the countries. The population of mangrove species is declining rapidly due to continuous deforestation by the wood pirates, mafias and some other causes. Mangroves are normally propagated by seeds which are usually vivipary in nature.
Seeds are buoyant and hence short and long distance dispersal occurs by tidal water. Attempt was made to propagate some of the true mangrove plants artificially. Nursery was raised collecting seeds in different ways. Vegetative propagation like cutting and layering were also tried and proved successful but tedious and
time consuming.
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