Year: 2020 | Month: December | Volume 9 | Issue 4

Women Empowerment through Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in Three Dimensions: An Empirical Study of Rural Andhra Pradesh

K. Harika K. Raviteja V. Nagaraju


In the present paper an attempt has made to study women empowerment through SHGs in three dimensions in rural Andhra Pradesh. Among all the 13 Districts of Andhra Pradesh, three districts of North Coastal Andhra Pradesh were selected as sample area for the study. Multi stage random sampling method is used for selecting sample units. The selection process carried out in four stages; relating to districts, mandals, villages and households. The primary data collected from 600 households were selected from the 24 villages of the 6 selected mandals from all the 3 North Coastal Districts of Andhra Pradesh. The opinion of SHG members collected with Likert’s five point scaling technique on 10 indicators for each to dimension of Social, Economic and Political issues relating to empowerment. To find out whether the participation in SHG programs has led to empower or not, Empowerment Index is calculated separately for Old Self-Help Groups (OSHGs) and New Self-Help Groups (NSHGs) and made comparison. Descriptive analysis along with Chi-square test, F-test and Z-test are used for fruitful inferences. The Results revealed that the OSHG members are observed better empowered when compared to NSHG in socio, economic and political dimensions. Further the study confirmed that as member in SHGs for long time helps to improve the women empowerment.

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