Year: 2014 | Month: September | Volume 3 | Number 3
Foreign Uncontrollable Elements of Marketing: Roots of Cultural Forces
Among the uncontrollable elements of international marketing cultural forces are in the focus of the present paper. In the globalised world it is not enough to be familiar “only” with the geographical, economic, legal, infrastructural, social, etc. environment of the partner country. We should not forget, that we, people are different. This difference originates from our culture. Practice often proves that geographical closeness of the foreign market does not always equal to cultural closeness. It may happen that our product, because of cultural reasons, can be more easily sold in a faraway country instead of in any of our neighbouring countries. But what do we mean by culture? How can we define it? How it is build up of? How it works? How can it cause so extreme differences and sometimes unexpected similarities between people? Building on the research of recognised scientists we are investigating the origin of cultural differences and similarities.
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