Year: 2022 | Month: March | Volume 11 | Issue 1
Interference of L1 on the L2 Oral Expression of Undergraduate Agricultural Students in terms of Transfer of Rules
K. Thangaraj
M. Kalpana
Interference of the mother tongue (L1) is inevitable in the second language (L2) learning. This research study was taken up to look into the first language interference on the oral expression of undergraduate agricultural students of Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural College and Research Institute (ADAC&RI) Tiruchirappalli, one of the constituent colleges of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), India. The scope of this study is restrained to identifying how the first language interferes with students’ spoken language in terms of transfer of rules. Ninety-eight sophomore agricultural students (34 boys and 64 girls), whose mother tongues are Tamil (85), Telugu (8), Malayalam (3), and Kannada (1), have been involved in this study. Two recorded audio clippings were received from each student through google classroom, and they were analyzed in terms of transfer of rules. The results suggest that L1 influences 69% of students in terms of ‘transfer of rules’ in grammar, 46% in ‘redundancy’, and 18% with ‘zero interference’.
- The speakers of EFL are inclined to use their mother tongue experience to structure the information in L2.
- 85% of students in Tamil medium education schools were significantly influenced by their mother tongue in their oral expression.
- Among the significant types of redundancy, 54% of the interferences are found in the form of plague words.
- 68% of students apply direct translation methods from their mother tongue into English, and 18% of them converse with zero interference.
- 2% of Tamil-medium-educated students from rural backgrounds spoke with zero mother tongue interference.
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