Year: 2022 | Month: March | Volume 11 | Issue 1
Socio-economic Characteristics of Farmers Practicing Rainfed Farming in the Jammu Region
Vipal Bhagat
Sudhakar Dwivedi
Pawan Kumar Sharma
Rajinder Peshin
S.E.H. Rizvi
The present study was carried out in the Kandi belt of the Jammu region. It was concluded that the average age of farmers and the family size in the study area were 41.40 years and 5.37. The minimum youngest member was found to be of 25 years, and of the maximum was of 90 years of age. As far as the land area was concerned, the minimum area was 0.25 acres and the maximum that of 15.00 acres, respectively. Average years of schooling were 8.95 (years of formal schooling), and the average land area was 2.72 acres. Therefore, the majority of the farmers belonged to small and marginal farmers. Farmers were engaged in the private job along with agricultural activities in majority. PM-KISAN scheme showed sufficient penetration among the farmers. 58.75 percent of the farmers were living under a pucca house and used LPG as the source of cooking. In the case of the fuel/source used for cooking, a maximum of the farmers were utilizing the LPG. With regard to the toilet facility, maximum employed the flush toilet, and still, a majority of them were used to defecate openly. 82.08 percent of the farmers were dependent upon the government hospital for medical services, and 55.83 percent of the farmers in the study sent their children to government schools. Majority (88.33 percent) of the farmers did not belong to any organization, and about 9 percent of the respondents belonged to one organisations.
- Most of the farmers were of younger age who involved in other occupations along with that of the agricultural operations.
- Majority of the farmers were residing in the pucca houses and used LPG as the fuel of cooking.
- Government schemes like PM-KISAN scheme has found out to be beneficial for the farmers in the rainfed regions.
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