Year: 2014 | Month: September | Volume 3 | Number 3

Urban and peri-Urban Agricultural Migration: An Overview from Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR), India

DOI:Coming soon...


Urban and peri-urban agriculture provide income generation to urban poor and making the cities more sustainable. In Mumbai Metropolitan Region, UPA activities play a major role in supporting people’s life. A wide range of agricultural production systems with maximum utilization of resources can be seen in Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). Migration is an acute issue in MMR and UPA production plays a vital role in supporting migrant people and reducing urban poverty. Marketing of agricultural commodities is very easier inside the MMR with a well connected network of wholesalers, retailers and street venders. With the help of a baseline survey as well secondary data, this paper tries to reveal an overview of UPA production in association with migration. Migration patterns among various UPA production systems were identified and studied. Like all other informal sectors, the role of UPA in supporting migrant people in MMR should be studied in detail to find out its contribution to employment and economic growth.

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