Year: 2022 | Month: June | Volume 11 | Issue 2

Functioning of NITI Aayog of India : A Study

Amritanshu Pandey S.P. Shukla


“NITI Aayog” of India is a new institution structured in January, 2015 as replacement of the Planning Commission. It provides different public services through its various Vertical. Main initiatives of NITI Aayog include: public administration reforms and enhancement of administrative efficiency of government programmes, facilitating centre-state and inter-ministerial coordination for governance, and to provide best repository practices to aggravate developmental agenda. NITI Aayog can replace the one-way Centre-to-State flow of policy through ‘cooperative federalism’. It recommends various policies and their implementation is regularly executed by all State Governments. Of course, the NITI Aayog is a distinguished ‘think tank’ that has a good strategic vision and expertise with responsibilities to provide advice to the Government. Hence, the NITI Aayog by giving more control to the States, aims at avoiding top-down approach to policy making and tries to give it a bottom up approach.


  • NITI Aayog of India has been established in January, 2015, and is recognised as a ‘Think Tank’ of India.
  • NITI Aayog is engaged to provide various services through its different Vertical to Government as well as to the people of India.
  • The Aayog works on the principles of ‘Minimum Government and Maximum Governance’ together with the ‘Cooperative Federalism’, and aims to foster involvement and participation in the economic policy making process by the State Governments of India.

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