Year: 2014 | Month: September | Volume 3 | Number 3

Reproductive Behaviour of Tribal Women Participating in Agricultural Works:An Empirical Study

DOI:Coming soon...


Based on empirical study, this paper plans to highlight the consequences of agricultural work participation upon reproductive behavior of tribal women analyzing the fertility pattern of 390 sample numbers of Deori and Mishing women of North East India. While analyzing the reproductive behavior of sample women, the agriculture related impact factors on fertility have been considered. Rank correlation and logistic regression have been used as analytical tools. The study has been completed in four sections: section-I deals with the paradox, section –II covers the literature reviewed, section-III includes research methodology & limitation of the study and section –IV has been devoted for discussion of analytical results and conclusion. The findings show that neither the agricultural farm size, nor the paddy farm size has any significant correlation with the reproductive health behavior of ever married women of the sample family.

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