Year: 2014 | Month: September | Volume 3 | Number 3
Pessimism in T.S. Eliot’s Poem “The Waste – Land”
This study aims to reflect the Pessimism in the poet: Thomas Steearns Eliot’s poem “The Waste Land” in which he represented both an assessment of the World situation in the time of World War I as he felt it to be, and a creative transformation of the world that is observed in the final section of the Poem.The Poem “The Waste Land’’ is divided into five sections under the title of :(I) The Burial of the Dead. (II) A Game of Chess. (III) The fire Sermon.(IV) Death by water and (V) What the Thunder Said.Each section is discussed and analyzed and then the researcher draws a conclusion that Eliot is:Not always pessimist.Eliot’s poem shows the society during the World War 1.
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