Year: 2022 | Month: September | Volume 11 | Issue 3
Analysis of the Level of Stress Among Rural Youth in Yavatmal and Ahmednagar District of Maharashtra
Manish Parmar
Premlata Singh
Praveen Kumar
Youth are the future of a nation and the overall development of any nation depends on the regimented, active and competent strength of youth. An exploratory study with ex post facto design conducted with randomly selected 160 sample rural youth from two districts Yavatmal and Ahmadnagar of Maharastra recorded various responses on determining the level of stress caused by different stressors using appropriate statistical tool i.e. Rural Youth Stress Scale. Respondents distribution based on their overall stress level has resulted in 46 per cent of the rural youth have medium level stress (45.62 %) and around 27% of the respondent had high as well as low stress. District wise distribution of the respondents revealed that mean stress score of the Yavatmal district (102.16) was slightly higher than Ahmednagar (99.71) but not significantly different. 48.75% respondents from Yavatmal had medium stress score i.e. (95-109) with 26.25% respondents scored high level of stress and 25 % had scored low levels while Around 44 % of respondents in Ahmednagar had medium level of stress and 37.5 % and 18.75 % low and high levels of stress respectively. Around 39.62 % of the female youth had medium stress level as compared to males (45.79%). T value calculated from Independent samples test when compared to tabulated value, it shows no significance at 0.732 and 0.649 level of significance results in no significant difference between the mean stress level of male and female respondents. Results from Pearson correlation coefficient revealed that there was significant and negative correlation between the stress level and land holding, annual family income, and mass media utilization at 1 percent level of significance while strongly negative and significance correlation was found. So this study has resulted in overall understanding of levels of stress among rural youth in yavatmal and Ahmednagar districts of Maharashtra.
- 46 per cent of the rural youth were having stress at medium level whereas, approximately equal number of respondents (27%) of the respondent were having stress at high and low level.
- Around two fifth (39.62%) of the female rural youth perceived medium stress level but this number was higher in male respondents (45.79%) whereas, when we talk about highly stressed rural youth then the number of female respondents (33.96%) was slightly higher than the number of male rural youth (26.16%).
- The overall aspirations of the rural youth was also found significantly positively correlated at 5 percent level of significance but there was not strong correlation between the perceived stress level and overall aspirations of the rural youth
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