Year: 2024 | Month: June | Volume 13 | Issue 2
Voice towards Education: A Study of the Educational Status of the Sabar Community
Shaktipada Mahato
Laxmiram Gope
Sabar is a most backward tribal community of Bengal. Educationally they are deprived and marginalized. Through this study,
it is reflected that their educational status is very low, and day to day they deviate from education. In Sabar society education is
just a luxurious phenomenon, they think that education is not for them. So, in this perspective, they don’t want to get education.
They found a huge discrepancy between education and real-life situations. According to the Sabar community schooling became
a burden it failed to sustain them. Hence this paper knows the current educational status of the Sabar community in the Purulia
district and the researchers also find some important causes of the educational gap among the Sabar community and simultaneously
give insight into possible methods of educating among the Sabar community. This study was conducted on 10 Sabar villages and
data was collected through randomly selected survey methods about ten (10) Sabar villages (Para) like Akarbad, Maldhi, Kudha,
Kashidhi, Bamni, Panchara, Shalbani, Kendapara, Shirkabad, and Dhumurdhi. 100 Sabar people (above 18 years old) are included
in this study as a sample. The study significantly shows the educational status of the Sabar community in Purulia district.
- The Sabar community, one of the most marginalized tribal groups in Bengal, faces many educational challenges, and they are much more deprivations than any other community.
- A comprehensive survey across ten Sabar villages in the Purulia district reveals that 87% of the community remains uneducated.
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