Year: 2024 | Month: June | Volume 13 | Issue 2

Menopause and Gendered Habitus in Kerala: A Socio-cultural Analysis

Dora Dominic


Menopause, a natural biological phenomenon, is often accompanied by various physiological and psychosocial transformations
that can significantly influence an individual’s habitus, encompassing lifestyle, habits, and overall well-being. This article examines
how menopause, a biological phenomenon with cultural significance, is impacting the habitus of women in a socio-cultural
setting. The social spaces are “gendered,” as there are cultural constraints and restrictions in society. Drawing on a mixed-methods
approach, this study incorporates both quantitative surveys and qualitative methods to capture a comprehensive understanding of
the experiences of menopausal women in Kerala.


  • The paper examines gendered experiences of menopausal women in social context of Kerala and how the social context shape women’s experiences of menopause, using a mix of quantitative and qualitative data to examine bio-social factors, attitudes, and feelings towards menopause.
  • The study shows the impact of bio-social factors on awareness and experiences of menopause.

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