Year: 2013 | Month: June | volume 2 | Issue 1

A Review of Gender Disparity in Education Sector in India

DOI:Coming soon...

Abstract: <div>Education for all is must at one hand and a challenge on other for an all round</div><div>development of third world society. Gender wise disparity in education has also remained as a head ace for a country like India. Indian women constituting 50% of the country’s human resource, still faces literacy-gender-gaps with only 54.16% literate female. The present study is an attempt to evaluate the disparities in education sector in India along with their impact status based on the data procured from secondary sources. The disparity is calculated by Sopher’s Disparity Index on male female literacy state-wise, age-wise in terms of levels of education, socialgroups and residence. Finally by employing the technique of Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient, it has been observed that female education has significant impact on gender and human development. The study concludes that the essence of development lies in literating women by degendering that will pave way for better future by literating their kids.</div>

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