Year: 2013 | Month: June | volume 2 | Issue 1

Role of SHGs: A Case Study in Bardhaman District, West Bengal

DOI:Coming soon...

Abstract: <div>The study reveals that initially most of the members of SHGs were very poor and they had no alternative sources for generating some additional income but after involvement in SHGs they have been able to increase their income as well as savings from their additional economic activities. Again it has been found that the SHGs have become instrumental in empowering the normal housewives in terms of their capacity building and household decision making along with other social and economic activity. To strengthening the SHG movement, the most profitable and cost saving activities should be encouraged along with development of efficient marketing channels for the products produced through the pursued economic activities. With a view to increase standard of living, economic activities taken up by members need to be diversified.</div>

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